Personal Revelations of Our Lady of Light, Volume 6
Volume 6 of Personal Revelations of Our Lady of Light Index for Volume I-V Wish Photos and Notes from the Batavia Visionary $8...
Volume 6 of Personal Revelations of Our Lady of Light Index for Volume I-V Wish Photos and Notes from the Batavia Visionary $8...
Special added features: Interviews with Fr. Leroy Smith Our Lady’s Lights Personal Experiences of the Batavia Visionary Testimonials $20
Each box contains 12 cards with a lovely image of Our Blessed Mother holding the baby Jesus. Inside text: My soul Magnifies the Lord....
The Mower Boy tells the story of a remarkable man. Born with cerebral palsy, Roger Grein faced many challenges, but he never gave...
Giclée* (zhee-KLAY) is a digitally reproduced fine art print on water color paper or canvas. These prints are by Cincinnati artist Barbara Trauth and...
Each box contains 12 cards with Our Lady of Light at Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center by Cincinnati artist Barbara Trauth. Blank inside....
Each box contains four each featuring images by Cincinnati artist Barbara Trauth: Our Lady of Light at the Holy Spirit Center, Our Lady of Oberammergau,...
This special activity simply puts prayer cards of Our Lady of Light into the hands of interested parties. Since its inception, this program...
Giclée* (zhee-KLAY) is a digitally reproduced fine art print on water color paper or canvas. These prints are by Cincinnati artist Barbara Trauth and...
Complete five volume set of Personal Revelations of Our Lady of Light. From the beginning in a field in Indiana to the conclusion...
Personal Revelations of Our Lady of Light, Volume 1. This volume reports the appearances and messages of Our Lady of Light in the...
Personal Revelations of Our Lady of Light, Volume 2. Events after August 31, 1992 continue through mid-1993. The primary venues are described and...
Personal Revelations of Our Lady of Light, Volume 3. Our Lady’s five priest helpers are now on the scene. Communications ensue with Mother...
Personal Revelations of Our Lady of Light, Volume 4. Selected messages from November of 1994 through October of 1997 address various specific groups,...
Personal Revelations of Our Lady of Light, Volume 5. This volume presents important messages back to the beginning in 1992, then fast forwards...
His Power, by Miriam Grosjean. Short, crisp messages from Our Lord act as mini-lessons for the reader striving to grow in God. This...
Going His Way, by Father Leroy Smith, with commentary by Gerry Ross. This book features recollections by Father Smith about some key events...
Visitations, Volume 1, by Miriam Grosjean. Lessons in living, one for every day of the year, as dictated by Our Lord Himself. This...
NEW! Visitations, Volume 2, by Miriam Grosjean. Further lessons in living, one for every day of the year. This volume continues the kind...
I Am Your Jesus of the Cross. Letters to Charlene Huber wherein we are asked to stop destroying and hating, to open our...
Insights and Counsels, by Miriam Grosjean. Comments on the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit, each comment developing one of the biblically...
NEW! Our Compassionate Father, by Miriam Grosjean. God the Father seen and understood through His many attributes: all-powerful, all-loving, all-caring, all-merciful, — truly...
This 2 1/2″ x 4″ card fits easily into pocket or purse. Featuring the Lady of Light song, it also gives a brief...
Brass medal 1″ x 1 1/2″, covered on front with picture of the painted image of Our Lady of Light. Back has picture...
Veneration of Child Jesus of Good Health originated in Mexico in 1939 at the home of a young girl named Rosa Maria Guadalupe...
When the Medjugorje visionaries asked “How must we pray,” Our Lady answered with prayers which have become called the Peace Rosary. This rosary...
This universal desk calendar fits any year and is customizable by the owner. The pages are filled with information about Our Lady of...
Early Morning Meditations, by Fr. Peter Chabot. A series of mini-stories, moral vignettes, to help the reader kick off personal prayer time. In...
Moments with Mary. This CD features a unique blend of meditations from Mary, Our Lady of Light, with piano melodies from favorite traditional...