This Ministry shall be my hands and my feet and walk amongst my children and minister to them, both in body and in spirit, February 28, 1993
My House, the seminary, shall be established to renew and strengthen the leaders of the faith (priests). They shall then gather their flock and teach them in the ways of unconditional love, which is God’s love. February 28, 1993

Would you like to become one of Our Lady’s Special Apostles?
Pray the Rosary daily. Wear a blessed scapular. Consecrate yourself and your family to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Promote devotion to both of Our Hearts. Form or...

Our Lady’s Ministry to Priest
Our Lady of Light Foundation- The mission of Our Lady of Light Foundation is to promulgate the messages of Our Lady of Light and Hope and of her heavenly Son, Our Lord, Jesus Christ....

Protect the Children
Protect the Children The Batavia Visionary once stated that the first words spoken by Our Lady were “Protect the Children.” What did Our Lady mean when she stated only these three words? Did she...

Our Lady’s Farm
Our Lady of Light Foundation in the early 1990s saw the need to raise money for a farm near Falmouth, Kentucky where apparitions of Our Lady were alleged to have occurred. The Foundation secured...

Special Apostles Prayer Groups
Per Our Lady’s requests, each of us is called to be her “Special Apostle,” to adopt a deeper commitment to prayer than ever before in these critical times. To that end, Our Lady of...

Our Lady of Light Publications
Originally only a name assigned to the books published by the Foundation, this ministry was devised to stand alone as a publishing entity, with the goal that any surplus funds generated would help to...

Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center
Since early 1993, when a former Cincinnati archdiocesan seminary was purchased and renovations began to restore the grand old facility to its former grandeur, volunteers inspired by Our Lady of Light have poured hours,...