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May 29, 1993 – Great Chastisement Could Bring All to Their Knees

Note: Our Lady requested this message be hidden until further notice. On September 13, 2001, Our Lady asked the visionary to have Fr. Smith release the first part of the message, and it was distributed at Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center. Not all of this hidden message was revealed then. In 2004, Our Lady told the visionary that the severity of it was somewhat lessened or removed due to the prayers of the faithful here in our land. Fr. Smith did receive the entire message when the visionary was told to give it to him.

My child,

If your country does not return to their God, a great chastisement could bring all to their knees. The false gods will fall and, if they (people) do not listen to this warning, more (chastisements) will follow. It will begin in New York, the heart of your nation. This should be a sign to the faithful to focus on the Sacred Heart of Jesus and my Immaculate Heart, wherein they will find spiritual security and peace for their souls.

Carry no fear, but trust in God’s mercy. If enough souls convert their lives, these chastisements will be lessened and possibly removed. If they do not listen to my call to prayer, then other areas of your country will also be attacked.

You are to keep these words in your heart hidden unless I tell (you to have) them to be released through your spiritual advisor, Fr. Smith.

Be at peace. I remain with you.

I am your Mother and I love you.