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March 28, 1997 – Mary is the Mother of God

Tell My people that My Holy Mother, the Immaculate One of heaven, is now among you. The Father sent her to you out of love, and she willingly comes to you out of her love. In heaven, she is called “Mary, the Mother of God.” On earth, she should be given the respect and honor of this title. Whenever you accept her, you also accept Me, and, when you shun her or ignore her, you do likewise to Me.

Do not insult her anymore with indifference to her visits, but listen to her and do as she tells you. Let it be known that I will grant a day of Divine Mercy to all who come to Me on the day of September 1, My Mother’s “Special Day of Prayer.” I do this because she asked this for all of you. As it is her desire, so it is now My will.

Beginning at the very first moment (midnight) of this day, the Sacred Heart of your Jesus will absolve and free all hearts of their sin if they will approach Me with a true repentance for their sins and a sincere desire to convert their hearts.

This day (September 1) will remain a day of Divine Mercy for all time. This is a grace granted as a special favor to My most holy Mother. See how she loves you. Her intentions are always for you, and only for your good.

I am your Jesus of Mercy and the Son of Mary.