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September 19, 1993 – Response: Through My Death and Resurrection, I Gave you Life

NOTE: A question was raised concerning the message received from Jesus on August 31 and I was requested to ask for a clarification regarding it. This is His reply.

My people, be at peace. Once again My words bring confusion to the minds of My people. My suffering on the cross was of the spirit, as well as My physical body. Man bore witness to My physical torture, but did not see the wrenching of the spirit I endured due to the weight of all the sins committed against the Father.

I have said, “For all the evil deeds performed by the hands of mankind My hands were tied (the weight of these sins being the binders). My hands were fastened to a cross with nails and (with each blow) My flesh was ripped and My bones were broken (loosed).”

I say to you now that My bones were loosed from their sockets and broke through the flesh, exposing My bones. Thus was fulfilled the scripture, “They have pierced My hands and My feet. They have numbered all of My bones.”

Let not your hearts be heavy if you cannot comprehend the full meaning of your redemption through My crucifixion, for the human mentality is weak and, unless you view these divine mysteries with spiritual eyes, you cannot see or understand them. The opening of your spiritual eyes is a gift from the Holy Spirit. Pray that your spiritual eyes be opened.

I am Jesus, your Savior, and I leave you My peace.