May 31, 1993 — Say the Rosary to Jesus
At this time I would like to share some of the beautiful things Our Lady is teaching me. I am sure many of you are wondering about them and I am sure they will help many of you also. Our Lady told me that when my time is taken by earthly tasks, I should say the Rosary to Jesus, which is a good way to bring Him honor. This is always Our Lady’s goal, to bring me and everyone else closer to her Son, Jesus. Her Rosary is simple and easy to do:
On the Crucifix say, “My Jesus, I believe.”
On the large (Our Father) beads say, “My Jesus, mercy.”
On the small beads say, “Jesus, I trust in you.”
At the end of the small beads and before the large bead (where the Rosary Fatima prayer is said) say, “My Jesus, I place myself and all that I have in Your hands.”
This is her lesson on how to love Jesus. Our Lady says that going to church on Sunday, if they do even that, is usually the only time many people think of God. Most people, even at God’s holy church, think only of themselves or their earthly duties. She says we should make God a part of our every day, our every minute.
As a child has a best pal and can’t wait to join him or her at play, so we should all want Jesus. As young couples in love spend every waking hour longing for each other, this is how we should love Jesus. As shut-ins and the elderly require someone to help them through their day, this is how we should need Jesus. And as a newborn baby expects to be loved and cared for, this is how we should trust Jesus.
Our Lady continues to patiently lead me and teach me how to be her child. I think I was a problem child at first, but I’m learning, ever so slowly.
Thank you, Holy Mother, for your patience with me, your humble servant.