April 17, 1993 — They’re So Innocent, So Innocent
Dear children,
You are destroying your souls by your evil actions. Your daily activities have become so corrupt that they are spilling over into the lives of the children in your care. Be ever watchful that you do not exhibit evil ways, for others, especially children, are suffering from the bad example of those who should be teaching them. You do not realize that, when you fall from grace, you drag your children with you.
My heart aches for the little ones. They’re so innocent, so innocent! I pray unceasingly on their behalf for, in the world as it is today, they see only hatred, violence, and unchaste and impure behavior. Their hours of entertainment are ever darkening their spirit.
I urge you, as parents and guardians of these precious little souls, to take inventory and, if you find fault, take steps to improve yourselves and to create a better and holier atmosphere for your children, for it is by adult example that children learn. You wouldn’t feed the children poisoned food, yet you continue to poison their spirit by not paying attention to what they see and what they hear.
As Mother of all, I urge you to return to a life of purity, a life that glorifies the innocence of the spirit as that of a child. In this way the family unit will be restored to the sanctified state (where) it was meant to be. That is the reason I have come to all of my children. Cease your lives of sin and return peace to the world.
I am your Mother and thank you for your response.