Peace Rosary
The Peace Rosary consists of seven sets of three beads each set for the recitation of one Our Father, one Hail Mary, and one Glory Be. Our Lady herself in an early message suggested praying this Rosary after Mass:
“In daily Masses, I desire that the seven Our Fathers, seven Hail Marys and seven Glory Bes be intoned at their conclusion for My special intentions. I implore you to do this so that I can enact my plan of peace here in America.” (Our Lady of Light, April 18, 1992.)
In December 2006 Our Lady implored, “Pray my Rosary for peace and ask others to do so.” This time, she does not stipulate “after Mass.”
The devotion of meditating on the Seven Sorrows* of the Blessed Mother as one says the Peace Rosary (initiated by Father Smith in 1992) may be used. In any event, let’s renew our fervor to honor Our Lady’s requests by praying these prayers for peace in our hearts, in our families, in our county, and in our world.
A Prayer for Our Times
Oh, Heavenly Father, look down on your children and lead us back to You. Throughout all time you have watched over your children and sent heavenly aid when it was needed. We need You now, Father. We implore You to send help to all who lead us and to all of us who have lost sight of You. We ask this in the name of Your Son Jesus. Amen.

Peace Rosary $5.00
Buy Now
You may obtain a made-to-order rosary, with a suggested donation of $8.00, by emailing or by U.S. mail to Our Lady of Light Ministries, 5440 Moeller Avenue, Norwood, Ohio 45212.
*The Seven Sorrows are: 1. Prophecy of Simeon; 2. Flight into Egypt; 3. Loss of Jesus in the Temple; 4. Carrying of the Cross; 5. Death of Our lord; 6. Christ’s Body Pierced and Taken Down; 7. Burial of Christ.