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The Mother of God has appeared on earth many times and at many locations all over the earth. In studying this history you will find that these unusual experiences happened when mankind was in most need of heaven’s help and guidance. So, is it any wonder that in the present time, we hear of so many spots on earth that the queen of heaven is appearing and sending all of her children every where messages of hope?

Keep in mind that no one can give you the faith that you will need in the understanding of these experiences and messages, but we pray that God will grant you this gift when you go to Him and ask for it. The visionaries, or “messengers” are not important here, but the messages themselves because they are meant for each of you. It is also noteworthy here to explain that all of messages received from Our Lady of Light were discerned and approved by five priests before they were released. (See “Priests of Note” in this section.)

The reason that Our Lady of Light came here to the Cincinnati, Ohio area was to remove our darkness in America and to lead us to the “Light” of Jesus.

So, the best advice we give to anyone finding and hopefully reading this web page is to open your heart to this possibility and let your own “faith” be the expert in determining its authenticity. We hope you will become a regular visitor to this site and we welcome you in the name of Our Lady of Light.

Chronology of Events

  • September 1, 1991 – In a field in Indiana, a beautiful woman appears to five mothers and identifies herself as “The Lady of Light.” One of the five mothers is the Batavia (Ohio) visionary.
  • October 1991 – At the Chicago Marian Conference, the Batavia visionary meets Fr. T. Donald Rinfret, S.J., of Baltimore, Maryland, later designated the “Priest of the East.”
  • November 1991 – Our Lady promises a miracle for December 8, 1991 (Vol. 1, p.17).
  • December 8, 1991 – The miracle occurs (Vol. 1, p.19).
  • December 1991 – Fr. Leroy Smith, pastor of St. Joseph Church in Cold Spring, Kentucky receives correspondence indicating that his parish church will be “a place of great devotion…where Our Lady will manifest herself.”
  • May 1992 – At the 1992 Notre Dame Marian Conference, Our Lady tells the Batavia visionary to contact Fr. Smith and tell him that she will appear at midnight on August 31, 1992, at his parish church, St. Joseph’s.
  • May 10, 1992 – Our Lady announces that there will be three priests in America called to be her “special ambassadors,” Fr. Rinfret in the east, Fr. Smith in the middle, and another priest in the west. She further asks that September 1st be designated a “Day of Prayer” and that the prayer, Our Lady of Light, be distributed throughout the United States.
  • May 30, 1992 – Our Lady sends signs promised to Fathers Rinfret and Smith (Vol. 1, p.27).
  • June 1992 – Our Lady asks the Kentucky visionary (Sandy) to go to St. Joseph Church where she appears as promised (Vol. 4, p.127).
  • August 31, 1992 – The first of annual public manifestations of Our Lady of Light occurs at midnight at St. Joseph Church. They continue there through August 31, 1994.
  • December 3, 1992 – Our Lady of Light’s message to Fr. Smith: “I have great plans for my House of Mary (Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center)” (Vol. 1, p.86).
  • March 15, 1993 – Fr. Smith and the Gospa Prayer Group headquarter at Monk’s Retreat, formerly Mount St. Mary Seminary, later to be named Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center, Norwood (Cincinnati), Ohio.
  • May 1, 1993 – The “House of Mary,” the Monk’s Retreat, is re-blessed, dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and renamed Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center.
  • August 1993 – The Falmouth Farm site in Kentucky is identified when Fr. Smith accompanies the Kentucky visionary, who experiences an apparition there.
  • November 29, 1993 – Our Lady confirms the Falmouth Farm site in a private message to Father Smith through the Batavia visionary.
  • December 8, 1993 – Fr. Lawrence Sweeney, Church of the Holy Family in Ogden, Utah, is identified as the “Priest of the West” (Vol. 3, pp.78-9).
  • January 7, 1994 – Fr. Sweeney receives his remarkable sign, as promised by Our Lady (Vol. 3, p.88).
  • January 8, 1994 through October 8, 1995 – “Our Lady, Mary, the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary,” appears to the Kentucky visionary monthly at the Falmouth Farm. The Batavia visionary also receives messages there on the 8th of the month from January 8, 1994 through December 8, 1994. Our Lady confides that this is meant to connect both visionary (Batavia and Kentucky) experiences and to show the purpose of her visits here as being part of the fulfillment of her messages at Fatima (Vol. 4, p.18).
  • February 1994 – Our Lady asks that Mother Teresa be contacted for her support in returning prayer to places of learning in America (Vol. 3, p.116).
  • May 16, 1994 – Our Lady’s “special ambassadors,” Fathers Rinfret, Smith and Sweeney, come together to bless all apparition sites in the Tri-State area as Our Lady had requested (Vol. 3, p.167).
  • May 23, 1994 – Mother Teresa’s letter of support is received (Vol. 3, p.119).

Letter From Mother Teresa

Letter From Mother Teresa

  • June 7, 1995 – Our Lady honors Fr. Smith’s request to appear at midnight on August 31, 1995 at “Her House,” Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center, in Norwood (Cincinnati), Ohio, instead of at St. Joseph’s Church in Kentucky (Vol. 4, p.94).
  • February 11, 1996 – Our Lady asks Fr. Frank Kenney to help make her grotto at Bergamo in Dayton, Ohio a place where many will be touched by her light and her love (Vol. 4, p.94).
  • May 31, 1996 – Fr. Edward Carter, S.J., and the Batavia visionary see Our Lady in the Ohio field. They continue to see her there and receive messages monthly until September 13, 1997 (Vol. 4, p.106).
  • May 15, 1997 – Fr. Rinfret dies after a long illness.
  • December 18, 2000 – Fr. Carter dies after a short illness.
  • May 23, 1999 – Our Lady of Light tells the Batavia visionary to inform Fr. Smith that the last of her public manifestations at midnight, August 31st, at the Center will be this year. (August 31/September 1, 2000 to the present – Our Lady of Light Anniversary Celebrations: Days of Prayer and Mercy at Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center.)
  • Winter 2003 – Fr. Smith resigns as president of Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center and moves to Florida for health reasons. He often visits the Tri-state area and remains spiritual director to the Batavia visionary.
  • May 24, 2004 – The first Our Lady of Light Forum meets at Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center.
  • Summer 2004 – web site is developed.
  • Spring 2009 – web site name changed to
  • October 11, 2012 – Reverend Robert Leroy Smith, former president of Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center died at his residence in Hudson, Florida after a long illness.
  • April, 2014 – Children of Mary – a new semi-cloistered order of nuns takes residence at Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center bringing more prayer and additional Eucharistic Adoration to the Center.
  • May 2, 2014 – Suzanne Rosebraugh, president of Our Lady of Light and longtime volunteer of Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center, died after a short illness
  • June 18, 2014 – Ken Hinchey, chairman and treasurer of Our Lady of Light died after a short illness. Ken was brother-in-law to Fr. Leroy Smith and founding member of Our Lady of Light.
  • Thanksgiving – November 27, 2014 – New website is launched under the same web address
  • May, 2015 – 3 Members of OLL Board join the Board of Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center.
  • June, 2015 – OLL begins reconstruction of the Archbishop’s House for priest’s residence.
  • September 28, 2016 – Msgr. Lawrence Paul Sweeney died from age-related causes at age 87.
  • Fall, 2017 – OLL moves offices to Archbishop’s House to continue with the renovations for priest’s suites.
  • May 13, 2017 – OLL celebrates 100 Year Anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima by praying the Rosary at all 7 apparition Sites in the Cincinnati Tri-State area.
  • July 30, 2018 – Fr. Dale Peterka takes up residence at the Archbishop’s House.
  • November 20, 2018 – Chapel on 3rd floor complete and dedicated as Chapel of the Sacred Heart by Cincinnati Archbishop Dennis Schurr.
  • November 4, 2019 – First Annual Christmas Festival, Christmas in Bethlehem in association with OLHSC premieres.
  • August 31, September 1, 2020 – Marks Our Lady of Light’s 28th Anniversary Celebration of Days of Prayer and Mercy. COVID virus did not diminish the spirit of the day but did limit other events for the year.
  • Fall, 2020 – Plans continue to introduce Youth Retreats on the Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Farm as Our Lady had requested.
  • July 30, 2021 – In 2017 the Batavia Visionary related that Our Lady asked that her messages be re-studied. We realized that we needed an Index for all 5 books for this and for future studies. So, Volume VI of Personal Revelations, the Index became a reality.